
熊野淳司 / くまのじゅんじ

熊野淳司 くまのじゅんじ

神奈川県藤沢市で生まれ育つ。 17歳の時にサーフィンに出会い、大学時代に写真を始める。 2008年よりフリーランスフォトグラファーとして活動開始。 2009年から約1年間、ニュージーランドを旅する。 ニュージーランドでは山の楽しさも知り海から山へと活動の幅を広げる。 2017年湘南に「STUDIO467」を立ち上げる。 2019年横乗日本映画祭にショートムービー作品を出展するなど動画製作にも取り組み、2024年湘南工科大学で非常勤講師として教鞭をとる。


Born and raised approx 50 kilometers south of tokyo in a small surfing town named fujisawa. I started surfing at age 17 and was hooked ever since. The local-name of my home ground is called shonan and we have many mello reef and surf breaks.

At age 21, I witnessed my first longboard barrel ride and decided that I wanted to savor those images forever. Shortly after that, I visited Bali and witnessed the terror incident, needless to say but that made me realize that lifes to short not to live your dream and so I started in photography.

Upon graduation from college, I attended photography school here in Japan. I went on from there to work in fashion design and photo studios. In 2008, I became a photographer.

Starting in december of 2009, I stayed in New Zealand for 1 year and 3months to study surfing and photography.Coming to know the fun of the outdoors and walking the mountains in New Zealand, when I returned home, I widened my field to include works of the sea and the mountains.

In 2017, established “STUDIO 467” in Shonan with the photographer Akihiro Nakamura.


  • 2020 canon gallery ginza (tokyo)
  • 2020 canon gallery osaka (osaka)
  • 2019 patagonia surf tokyo (tokyo)
  • 2019 hayama Art & Music Festival (hayama)
  • 2018 STUDIO 467 (fujisawa city)
  • 2017 STUDIO 467 (fujisawa city)
  • 2016 fujisawa City Art Space (fujisawa city)
  • 2015 natural Law (shounan)
  • 2014 patagonia (yokohama)